Patrick Sexton, EdD, ATC, CSCS, Professor and the Director of Athletic Training Education at Minnesota State University in Mankato, MN. He began his career as an undergraduate athletic training student at the then Mankato State University in 1985. Studying under Minnesota Athletic Trainers Association Hall of Fame members Gordy Graham and Kent Kalm, he earned a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education/Athletic Training. He earned his Master of Science in Athletic Training and Exercise Science (1986) at the University of Arizona. Since that time Sexton also served as an assistant athletic trainer at the University of Wyoming. In 1988 Sexton accepted a position as a clinical instructor and faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. When he left LaCrosse in 1993 he was the Head Athletic Trainer, the Director of Athletic Training Education, and the President of the Wisconsin Athletic Trainers’ Association. Dr. Sexton then accepted the Position of Head Athletic Trainer/Assistant Professor at his alma mater, which was renamed Minnesota State University, Mankato (MSU). He completed his Doctor of Education degree in Educational Policy and Administration at the University of Minnesota in 2001.
He has taught virtually every course and content area contained within an athletic training program. He even has developed an iBook app for use by the students in his program.
He has been active on the state, district, and national level, and has served as a member of the Joint Review Committee on Athletic Training Education (JRC-AT) and as the vice-chair of the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) i.e. the committee on accreditation for athletic training educational programs and a member of the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Professional Education Committee (PEC) and the PEC's Clinical Instructor Educator task committee. He has been a frequent speaker at state, district, and national meetings and has authored or co-authored journal articles in the Athletic Training Education Journal (ATEJ), the Journal of Athletic Training (JAT), Athletic Therapy Today (ATT), and the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR) as well as a textbook chapter for General Medical Conditions in Athletes. Dr. Sexton is a manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Athletic Training, the Athletic Training Education Journal, Sports Health Care: A Multidisciplinary Approach, was an Associate Editor and a reviewer for Athletic Therapy Today, now called the International Journal of Athletic Training and Therapy.
Dr. Sexton has received the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' Association (GLATA) Outstanding Educator Award, the GLATA Distinguished Service Award, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Athletic Trainer Service Award, and multiple Minnesota Athletic Trainers' Association (MATA) Athletic Trainer Recognition awards. In 2010 Dr. Sexton received the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s (NATA) Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award. In 2013 the Minnesota Athletic Trainers’ Association Larry “Stosh” Neumann Distinguished Service Award was given to Dr. Sexton.