Roger Schipper has been a valuable member of the MATA for many years. He served as President and President-elect from 1983-1987. He has also served on many committees including Public Relations, Golf and Honors and Awards. In addition, he served as Co-exhibit chairman for the 1987 GLATA Annual Winter Symposium in Rochester, MN. Roger was a recipient of the 199 NATA Service Award. As a native Minnesotan, Roger attended Worthington State Junior College and received his Bachelors degree from Mankato State University and his Master's Degree from Western Illinois University. Roger has worked with athletes at all levels, from junior college to the professional ranks. He served as head Athletic Trainer at Rochester Community College and the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse before joining the staff at the University of Minnesota. Over the years, he has served as Athletic Trainer for several NCAA championships, including the Final Four in 1992 and 2001 and was Medical Services Coordinator for the 1999 NCAA Golf Championship. He was chosen to work the 1983 and 1990 USOC Olympic Festivals and was an Athletic Trainer at the 1991 World University Games in Sheffield, England.