A Letter from MATA President Troy Hoehn

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the tail end of your summer.  As I start my term as MATA president I can't help but be excited for the future of Athletic Training in the state of Minnesota.  I am looking forward to meeting members that I have not previously met, while continuing to build on existing relationships.  Those relationships reach further than just the Athletic Training profession; I feel we all must contin

Gustavus Athletic Training Program Coordinator Mary Joos Wins Gustavus Swenson-Bunn Teaching Award

SAINT PETER, Minn. (May 12, 2016) -- Mary Joos, program director and clinical education coordinator of the Gustavus Adolphus College Athletic Training Program, has been awarded the 2016 Swenson-Bunn Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence. Nominated and selected by students, the award was presented at the College’s Honors Day convocation on Saturday, May 7.

“It’s incredible to be selected for this award,” Joos said. “It shows the strength of the Athletic Training Program and the fact that Gustavus is so well-connected among students and faculty.”
